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Employee Spotlight: Farah Brigante

Written by Rob Patterson | Feb 27, 2019 6:27:48 PM

Hailing from Hartsdale, New York, Farah Brigante recently joined the Inspira team as Creative Director. To get to know her better, read along in this edition of the Employee Spotlight!

Who is your inspiration?

My father is my inspiration. He sacrificed everything to move his family here and so that my brothers and I could have an education. His courage, determination, talent, and love for family are what I try to live by and instill in my own family.

What are your hobbies?

I have a ton of hobbies! They include making jewelry, painting (watercolor and acrylics), and doing all sorts of DIY projects around the house. I'm pretty good at tiling.

Do you speak any other languages?

Oh, yes! Punjabi, Gughrati, Hindi, Swahili, and a little bit of Spanish.

Who is your favorite television or movie character?

Charlie's Angels. They are strong, smart, and sassy women who aren't afraid to solve any crime.

What is your spirit animal?

A cheetah. They're beautiful on the outside, but fierce and strong on the inside.

What are three things on your bucket list?

1. Visit the pyramids in Egypt

2. Get to base camp of Mt. Everest

3. See the ruins of Petra in Jordan