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Employee Spotlight: Ross Cooper

Written by Madison Zoey Vettorino | Jan 18, 2022 2:59:04 AM

Ross Cooper recently  joined the Inspira team as Senior Integrated Strategist. Get to know the latest addition to the team in this edition of the Employee Spotlight!

What is your mantra?

An explorer by nature, always on a quest for knowledge and truth that can guide the ultimate customer experience and engagement.

 If you Know Me…

You know that I am inspired by collaborating with concepters, designers, content creators, programmers, and cross functional teams to create memorable marketing solutions.

What are your hobbies?

Here are my top four...

1) I’ve been an avid theater-goer since age nine (Broadway, Off-Broadway) 2) I started playing the trumpet in 5th grade and joined my first jazz band in middle school, which led to being the producer of my first jazz concert with headliner talent in 10ththgrade, so jazz appreciation 3) While I did not take my first plane trip until 13 and waited until age 24 for my first trip abroad, foreign travel is one of my favorite things to do 4) Photography, which I even pursued as a potential career schooling at RIT in Photo Illustration

It’s Friday night, what are you doing?

We’re headed to the 92nd Street Y for a film screening and talent interview, book author talk, comedian, political pundit, concert or to hear the cast, writers, producers, directors talk about their latest TV series on Network, Netflix, Hulu, HBO MAX, Disney+, Apple+, Peacock or Paramount+.

What’s the last book you read?

The Code Breaker by Walter Isaacson. It traces the history of gene editing, the invention of CRISPR (it allows researchers to easily alter DNA sequences and modify gene function) all the way to the creation of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. This book reads like a movie script. Extremely engaging.

What are you most proud of? 

It sounds cliché, but my twin daughters. After a stint in the real-world job market post-college, they both discovered their purpose. One is in a PhD program for Artificial Intelligence and the other is in law school.

What was your first job?

So, I’m sure babysitting should count. But my first 9-to-5 position was in a warehouse handling customer product returns to vendors. Herman’s Sporting Goods had 259 stores and all of the returns came to me for processing. Yes, I really had to package a Sunfish sailboat to return.

What is your hidden talent? 

Identifying celebrity voiceover talent in TV commercials. This was a fun pastime with my kids (and still is). Afterall, if you are going to watch, you may as well learn something.