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Madison Zoey Vettorino

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Three Social Media Strategies To Support Experiential Marketing Campaigns

Apr 19, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino posted in Social Media


Social media is a crucial component to any experiential marketing campaign’s success. The role that social media plays in brand activation marketing varies. Not only can social media be used to drum up excitement for the experiential marketing campaign, but social tools can also help create a buzz around the brand and could ultimately be used to garner user-generated content (UGC). There are many reasons why an experiential marketing campaign should include a robust social media plan. Here are three social media strategies that effectively support brand activation efforts. 

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Infographic: Consumer Sampling - How Trying Leads to Buying

Apr 12, 2022 4:40:14 PM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino posted in Insights, Infographics, CPG, Beverage, Food


After two years of pandemic purchasing , tangible hands-on sampling is gearing-up to enhance the consumer buying experience. 

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10 Shocking Statistics About The Metaverse

Apr 12, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino posted in Insights


The metaverse is arguably the buzziest term of 2022, but there’s still widespread confusion regarding what exactly it is. When polled, only 49.5% of marketing and brand analytics executives expressed that they “somewhat” understood the metaverse. Almost a third share that they’re unsure of it or simply don’t understand it at all. 

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Why Spicing Up Your Social Media Is Key To Conquering 2022

Apr 5, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino posted in Insights, Social Media


It's 2022, and social media is entirely saturated—which means a brand has to work harder to gain consumer attention than it has in the past. Luckily, brands can use a slew of different social media platforms to create a cohesive brand experience for their customers. The key to winning social media in 2022 is spicing it up. Here’s what you need to know. 

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Here's Why Experiential Marketing Is Valuable For Customer Acquisition

Mar 22, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino posted in Experiential


A robust customer acquisition process is necessary for any healthy, booming brand. As a result, companies are always looking for new and innovative ways to appeal to in-market, high-value consumers. Harnessing the power of experiential marketing can help your company reach viable consumers. Here’s why. 

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Five Things To Know About The Alternative Fuel Auto Consumer

Mar 15, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino posted in Automotive


Did you know that the lifetime cost of fueling an electric vehicle is between $3,000 to $10,500 less than a regular gasoline-powered car? Based on this fact alone, it is understandable why more consumers want to bid trips to the gas station farewell. Electric vehicles are growing in popularity both in the US and abroad, and there’s reason to believe that the industry will continue to prosper in the next decade. Here are five things you should know about the alternative fuel auto consumer. 

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A Check-In With Outdoor Consumers

Mar 8, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino posted in Insights


The outdoor industry sped up when life slowed down in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The sector, which gained momentum due to the initial pandemic shutdowns and social distancing mandates, has demonstrated its ability to sustain that growth in the last several years. 2022 won’t be any different. So, it’s time for a check-in with outdoor industry consumers. 

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What You Need To Know About Travel Consumer Sentiment

Mar 1, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino posted in Insights, Travel & Hospitality


The last few years haven’t been easy on the travel industry. Due to the ever-evolving travel restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many people have delayed or entirely canceled scheduled trips. However, nearly two years after the pandemic began, there is once again reason to be optimistic about the future of travel.

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Why Customized Experiences Are Gaining Momentum

Feb 21, 2022 10:06:54 PM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino posted in Insights


Not only is there a movement towards more customized products for consumers, the case for customized experiences is gaining momentum. The last decade witnessed a rise in individualism, and with this, came the desire for people to stand out. Now, today’s consumers are looking for ways to do so—and customization fits that gap. That’s why they’re seeking out products and goods that allow them to showcase their unique personality, style, and beyond. 

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Infographic: A Peek Under the Hood of the Auto Industry

Feb 16, 2022 9:15:48 PM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino posted in Insights, Automotive


After two years of a pandemic slump, the auto industry is poised for a comeback. Here, we look at predications for 2022, potential challenges, how consumers are shopping for new automobiles, and how to enhance the buying experience. 

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