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Here’s What Marketers Need To Know About Gen Alpha

Written by Madison Zoey Vettorino | Nov 2, 2021 11:59:15 PM

You have a thorough understanding of Millenials and Gen Zers, but what do you know about Generation Alpha? This demographic cohort refers to people born between 2010 and 2025. Despite their young age, this culturally significant group is already making an impact.  Here, we take a look at how the rise of Gen Alpha will alter how brands create connections with consumers.

What Is Gen Alpha? 

Millennials are all grown up, and now their children, Generation Alpha, are poised to follow in their footsteps in several ways. This group is even sometimes labeled “mini Millennials.” Despite tremendous differences in upbringing (Millennials were born before the advent of social media), Millennials and their children are not all that different. 

Like their parents, Generation Alpha is currently on track to be the most sizable generation in history—nearly 2 billion globally. They are more racially and ethnically diverse, more likely to be raised by college-educated parents and attend college themselves than previous generations, and more likely to be  raised in a single-parent household.  

With size comes spending power, and Generation Alpha will grow up to become a generation with immense spending power—in fact, it’s anticipated that it will be the largest in history. So if brands want to succeed in the coming decades, they’ll develop a connection with Generation Alpha now. The best way to achieve this? By forming an indelible bond with Gen Alpha’s parents, the Millennials. 

How Is Gen Alpha Characterized? 

Generation Alpha is still developing its unique narrative and establishing itself. However, several trends that are expected to persist have already manifested. Here are a couple of defining characteristics of Gen Alpha. 

Activism Matters

Generation Alpha proves that you’re never too young to take a stand for what you believe. Influenced by their socially conscious parents, the Millennials, Generation Alpha learns the importance of holding brands accountable for sustainability and social justice during their youth. 

Suppose your brand wants to find an audience with Generation Alpha. In that case, it will have to prove its value to society beyond the product—which means if you haven’t already, it’s time to begin developing a transparent, authentic corporate social responsibility program. This group will be adamant about the importance of inclusion, equality, and environmental activism. Generation Alpha will gravitate towards brands that reflect these values. 

Digital-First Generation 

Move aside, Gen Z. Generation Alpha is ready to take the crown as the most digitally savvy generation yet. Insights from the Global Web Index indicate that up to 93% of boys ages 8 and 11 have played video games in the previous month. In addition, over half (65%) of children ages 8-11 either own or have access to a mobile phone at home. 

The iPhone debuted in 2007, and the boom of social media shortly followed. Instagram launched in October 2010, the same year that the first of Gen Alpha was born. It’s also worth noting that the first iPad launched in 2010, and the term “app” garnered the title of word of the year by the American Dialect Society. 

Due to their lifelong immersion in technology and status as digital natives, Generation Alpha is considered unusual in consuming content. Yet, despite their young age, they’re highly sophisticated and have an acute awareness of the impact of social media. This generation witnessed how hashtags and movements such as #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter changed the world and understood the impact their voices—and their social media platforms—can make.

How Did The Pandemic Impact Generation Alpha?

Since some members of Generation Alpha experienced critical developmental years during the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s significant buzz around how growing up during an unprecedented world event impacted—and will continue to influence—this group. Unfortunately, most members of this group won’t be able to conjure up a memory of the world before COVID-19. 

The pandemic amplified trends that Generation Alpha was already exhibiting, such as a dependence on technology. For example, Gen Alpha relied on technology to communicate and interact with peers due to virtual school and lockdowns. In addition, as a result of the pandemic, Gen Alphas spent more time in their home than they otherwise would have. 

COVID-19 lockdowns also create an opportunity for members of this group to spend time with their Millennial parents. Consequently, Gen Alphas formed deep bonds with their families during this period. In addition, Gen Alpha had the chance to learn old-fashioned hobbies with their parents and siblings, such as cooking and baking, as many parents looked to make the most of the additional time the pandemic provided them with their children. 

Our Brand Experience Agency Can Help Your Company Create An Unforgettable Activation All Generations Will Love

At Inspira, we know how to create an unforgettable brand activation to help your company form an incredible connection with people of all ages. Contact us today to learn more about how we use our unique EQxIQ approach to craft a brand experience that will leave an impact on your consumers. 



What Is 'Generation Alpha'? | The Atlantic  

Marketing to Generation Alpha | Axios  

Word of the Year? "App"! | CBS News 

When Did First iPad Come Out & How Much Was It? | Screen Rant  

The evolution of Apple's iPhone | Computer World 

Instagram: The dog that launched a social media giant | BBC

To Understand the Future of Ecommerce, Look at How Kids Behave | AdWeek 

Meet the Mini Millennials: Generation Alpha | NCSU Poole Thought Leadership