A growing body of evidence reveals that consumer purchase decisions are linked to corporate values. Researchers found that 87% of consumers say they would purchase a product because a company advocated for an issue they care about, and more than three quarters would refuse to purchase a product if they found it supported an issue that was contrary to their beliefs. As brands are increasingly expected to take a position on social or political issues, they must be careful to choose positions and causes that authentically align with their practices, or risk being perceived as inauthentic.
Here are four facts you need to know about the effect of corporate values on purchase behavior:
Business Leaders
64% of consumers say CEOs should take the lead on change rather than waiting for government to impose it
Reputation Matters
Consumers expect corporations to lead by engaging in responsible business practices and say businesses should:
Hot Button Topics
Topics consumers say companies need to address or take a stand on
94% job/economic development
87% racial equality
84% women’s rights
81% cost of higher education
78% immigration
76% climate change
65% gun control
64% LGBTQ rights
Belief-Driven Buyers
Consumers are increasingly buying based on aligned values
67% bought a brand for the first time based on its position on a controversial issue
65% will not buy a brand because it stayed silent on an issue it had an obligation to address
60% say brands should make it easier for me to see what their values are when I am about to purchase
53% believe brands can do more to solve social ills than the government
46% think brands have better ideas for solving our country’s problems than government
Contact us today to learn how our suite of experiential marketing services can help you communicate your brand's message to socially conscious consumers.