Though inflation continues to slow, consumers are still looking to save at the grocery store. Store brands might be the answer for some, but brand loyalty is still a factor. Check our latest infographic about how consumers are feeling about their dollars and your brand.
Prefer store brand: 31%
Prefer national brands but open to store brands: 29%
Prefer store brands but open to national brands: 16%
Prefer national brand: 8%
The percentage of market share change over the last two years
Frozen: +3.8%
Healthcare (OTC): +2.7%
Shelf Stable: +1.7%
Household Cleaning: -2.6%
Notes percentage of market share change over the last two years.
Beauty: +7.4%
Pet: +2.7%
Drinks: +2.1%
Personal Care: +0.04%
Women's shopping behaviors indicate they are increasingly thrifty, while men are more willing to spend more on groceries.
Discount shopping visits by gender:
Men: 51% in 2021, 50% in 2022, 45% in 2023
Women: 49% of 2021, 50% of 2022, 55% of 2023