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Employee Spotlight: Dan Sullivan

Jul 26, 2018 9:00:16 AM / by Rob Patterson

A native of Long Island, NY and resident of Wilton, CT, Dan Sullivan joins Inspira as our Chief Engagement Officer. With a mantra of "I never lose. I either win or I learn," he's sure to be a major asset to the team. To get to know Dan more, read along in this edition of the Employee Spotlight!

Who is your inspiration?

My dad, Dan Sullivan Sr. He taught me about humility, strength, and the value of a work ethic. He was an engineer on Apollo 11 and sent men to the moon without computers -- just using calculators and slide rules. I learned from him that an idea without a plan is just a wish.

What is one superpower you wish you possessed?

Time travel. I could go back and re-live my favorite life moments and create new ones with my future self-knowledge -- and there would be no cape required.

If you knew me, you'd know that ...

I'm obsessed with storytelling. It seems I've got a story for everything. Sometimes they're even true. Beware!

Who is your favorite television character?

Larry David. I love his ability to see humor in every situation and his fearless commitment to tell the truth, despite the awkward debris he leaves behind in nearly every social encounter.

What is your drink of choice?

Bourbon on the rocks! I like to live simply, but well!



Topics: Employee Spotlights

Rob Patterson

Written by Rob Patterson