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BizBash Highlights Inspira's Work for Ally Bank

May 10, 2021 2:09:39 PM / by Rob Patterson

As safe, socially distant activations have been making their triumphant return, BizBash has been highlighting best-in-class examples of creativity in live events. In their look at some of the most steal-worthy ideas from the month of April, BizBash highlighted Inspira's work for Ally Bank.

In honor of National Superheroes Day, we teamed up to help Ally Bank recognize this year's real heroes: those working on the COVID-19 vaccination frontlines. To learn about the activation and check out other creative ideas from the month of April, head to this link!


BizBash Highlights Inspira's Work for Ally Bank

Topics: Financial Services, Inspira News

Rob Patterson

Written by Rob Patterson