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Employee Spotlight: Matthew Snow

Mar 8, 2021 9:00:00 AM / by Rob Patterson

Matt Snow recently joined the Inspira team as Account Director. Get to know the latest addition toIMG_3968 the team in this edition of the Employee Spotlight!

Do you have a mantra that you try to live by?

Never fear failure — that's where the best learning happens.

Who or what is your inspiration?

Family. Friends. Future.

What is one superpower you wish you possessed?

I'm not sure if there's a specific name for it, but I'd choose the supernatural healing power that Michael Clarke Duncan's character — John Coffey — had in The Green Mile. The ability to take someone's pain and make it disappear. Hands down.

What's your favorite way to spend a Sunday afternoon?

A round of golf with the family, followed by watching the Mets game.

Who is your favorite television character?

Of all time? MacGyver. The guy could solve anything with a Swiss Army Knife and whatever broken down junk was laying around. Plus, the mullet was incredible.

If you knew me, you'd know that...

I have a healthy fear of condiments and I've never had a PB&J sandwich.... Ever.

Topics: Employee Spotlights

Rob Patterson

Written by Rob Patterson