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Infographic: Fresh Trends in the Bakery Business

May 23, 2019 9:57:44 AM / by Rob Patterson

In recent years, consumers have become considerably more conscious about the food they purchase. Concerns ranging from the way food is produced to the ingredients that each product contains have shaped our tastes and, in turn, the products we see on the shelves. Though attitudes vary among consumers, the bread and bakery sector has persisted. However, even dietary staples like bread are subject to changing tastes. Here, we take a look at consumer attitudes, preferences, and concerns when it comes to their baked goods.


Here are four facts you need to know about the business of baked goods:

Good News, Bad News

The good news? Baked goods are still a staple, with both Millennials and Gen Zers still purchasing on a regular basis. In the last week, they have purchased...

73% Bread

63% Sweet Baked Good

The bad news? Trends are heading in the wrong direction, with half of Gen Z and Millennials reporting they buy or eat fewer baked goods than they did a year ago.

Distaste for Waste

Seventy-five percent of Millennials and Gen Z say they are not dissuaded from buying baked goods because of carbohydrate concerns. So, what's the deal?

75% say they don't like wasting bread

20% won't buy a new loaf of bread after throwing an unused one away

How do you appeal to younger generations, then? More than half said they would buy more baked goods if they came in smaller portions.

Better-For-You Baked Goods

More than half of consumers want their bakery goods to have better-for-you attributes, honing in on things like fiber, protein, whole grains and seeds, or fruit.

Some of the most widely sought-after claims include:

22% All-Natural

22% Low in Sugar

Others are focused on which ingredients to avoid:

17% Gluten-Free

13% Dairy-Free

And a smaller segment is trying to support a specific diet or eating philosophy:

10% Ketogenic

9% Plant-Based

Pre-Packaged vs. Bakery

Price, quality, and freshness are the most important qualities for baked goods, but consumers prioritize them by product type.


71% Price

60% Quality

47% Freshness

Fresh Bakery:

67% Quality

66% Freshness

59% Price

Bakeries looking to drive business should take note that two-thirds of buyers appreciate seeing bread baked on-site.

70% are willing to pay more for this experience

58% enjoy learning about a company's heritage

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Topics: Infographics, CPG

Rob Patterson

Written by Rob Patterson