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Infographic: No- and Low-Alcohol Beverages are Here to Stay

May 29, 2019 11:29:17 AM / by Rob Patterson

As consumers seek out ways to live a more healthy and balanced life, many have taken to ordering and creating their own no- and low-alcohol beverages. Though these beverages carry less alcohol content -- and, in many cases, none at all -- they make up for it with nuanced flavors and craftsmanship that is commensurate with that of traditional cocktails. In order to understand just how quickly this trend is growing, let's take a look at what consumers and trade professionals in both the U.K. and U.S. had to say about the future of non-alcoholic beverages.


Here are three things you need to know about the state of non-alcoholic beverages:

Demand is On the Rise

58% of consumers in the U.S. and U.K. are drinking more no- and low- alcoholic beverages than they were last year

This is especially true in London:

59% are ordering non-alcoholic beverages on nights when they drink alcohol

29% drink solely alcoholic drinks

Curiosity Has Been Piqued

Online searches with the term 'mocktail' have increased by 42% in the last year

Likewise, global consumers have mentioned 'non-alcoholic' online 81% more often in the last year

17% of those conversations around non-alcoholic drinks come from users between ages 35 and 44

The On-Trade Perspective

55% of the most influential bartenders in New York City, Los Angeles, and London believe that the no- and low- alcohol trend will continue to grow in the next 12 months

Currently, restaurants have developed more non-alcoholic drink menus than cocktail bars. However, popularity still varies between some of the world's largest markets

London 55%

Los Angeles 40%

New York City 33%

Contact us today to learn how our suite of experiential-led services can help you build long-lasting connections with non-alcoholic beverage consumers.

Topics: Infographics, Beverage

Rob Patterson

Written by Rob Patterson