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Infographic: Projecting Hotel Trends for 2021

Oct 27, 2020 11:40:57 AM / by Rob Patterson

With the complications of the pandemic, it has been a tough year for the travel industry. In spite of the challenges, though, many Americans altered their plans to account for safety and enjoy some time away – and that trend is likely to continue in 2021. For those in the hotel industry, it becomes all the more imperative to understand where consumers’ heads are at in order to make operational adjustments and assuage any concerns they might have. In this infographic, we take a look at what hotel visitors have to say about their plans for travel in the coming year.


Projecting Hotel Trends for 2021


Here are three things you need to know about hotel trends for 2021:


Domestic Travel Takes Precedence

According to Nielsen, 70% of hotel visitors agree that they are more likely to consider traveling shorter distances in the next year in response to the pandemic. Because of this, there will be a continued boost in domestic travel and dampened interest in international trips.

How frequently do you anticipate traveling in the next 12 months compared to pre-COVID-19? 

  • Domestic
    • About the same or more often: 68%
    • Less often: 32%
  • International 
    • About the same or more often: 55%
    • Less often: 45%


Top Travel Destinations

Unsurprisingly, many traditional domestic destinations will remain popular in 2021. The top five states in terms of where consumers will visit in the next 12 months are:

  • 31% Florida
  • 28% California
  • 20% New York
  • 19% Nevada
  • 17% Texas


Top Travel Occasions

While Americans are still itching to take a vacation, it’s clear that other travel occasions may continue to suffer in the coming year. Over the next 12 months, consumers will stay at or visit hotels for:

  • 77% vacation
  • 32% celebration or leisure function
  • 25% visit restaurant/bar for a meal or drink
  • 23% day trip to use leisure amenities such as a spa or casino
  • 21% overnight stays for business trips
  • 15% conferences, meetings, or other business functions

Business conferences and similar occasions are likely to suffer most in the coming year. Twenty six percent of travelers say they will do so less and 34% say they will avoid it entirely.

Topics: Infographics, Travel & Hospitality

Rob Patterson

Written by Rob Patterson