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3 Things to Know When Marketing to Moms

May 20, 2019 12:37:00 PM / by Rob Patterson

As marketers, we have a problem on our hands. Mothers make up one of the largest consumer groups out there, yet fewer than half of them feel understood by marketers. What gives? Despite how important moms are to brands – especially those brands in the CPG category – many marketers have failed to adapt their approach to this constantly evolving demographic.

Years ago, the “mommy blog” was the place where mothers shared their opinions and learned from their peers. Today, though, the global online community is much, much bigger, with the majority of moms maintaining a presence across all social media platforms. However, there is much more that goes into winning over moms than having an active brand account on Facebook. In order to tailor your marketing approach to the moms of today, let’s take a look at these three tips.




What They’re Looking For

Whether it’s baby food, formula, diapers, or skincare, mothers are constantly making purchases that will affect the welfare of their children. In order to understand what moms are looking for, GlobalWebIndex asked them which three traits are most important when shopping for baby products. Perhaps unsurprisingly, quality ranked as the most important purchase driver, with 77% of U.S. moms listing it in their top three. After quality, mothers list value (75%) and being easily available (46%) as the next most important traits.

Among smaller subsets, Pew research notes that millennial moms are more inclined to pay for higher quality personal care products than their counterparts. This can largely be attributed to society’s growing concern with what comes in contact with the skin, as past generations have focused more of their scrutiny on the quality of products that babies ingest, such as food or formula.


Where To Reach Them

In order to get the most out of your marketing dollars, it’s important to understand where to go to reach mothers. In the U.S., start with social media, where moms share their opinions, tips, and even reviews. Forty-eight percent of mothers consider themselves to be active users of Facebook, while YouTube (36%) and Instagram (30%) have proven to be valuable channels, as well. In terms of time spent on social per day, millennial mothers lead the way with an average of two hours and 53 minutes.

Outside of social media, mothers look for advice on websites like WebMD (50%), community forums (37%), and blogs (36%), making it clear that moms value both the credibility of those in the medical field and the familial nature of personal recommendations from their peers.


Be Authentic, Be Helpful

Regardless of the marketing medium – online or offline – brands must be exceedingly authentic in their interactions with mothers. After all, moms read countless reviews and recommendations during the research process, which makes it all the more imperative that your brand lives up to its promises. Whether you have a higher cause or solely want to communicate the value of your products and services, experiential marketing can be an effective way to humanize your brand and make one-on-one connections.

Additionally, brands must make every effort to make mothers’ lives easier. Moms have a finite amount of time to accomplish a lot of tasks, which means that any opportunity to find efficiency in the routine is welcome. Whether it’s communicating the convenience of your brand’s offerings or providing a surprise-and-delight moment during moms’ daily routines, experiential marketing can be a great way to be provide value to consumers while building brand affinity.

Is your brand looking to stand out from the competition and win over moms? Contact us today to learn how our suite of experiential-led services can earn you lifelong loyalists.

Source: GlobalWebIndex Marketing to Moms 5 Imperatives for Targeting US and Chinese Mothers in 2019

Topics: Insights

Rob Patterson

Written by Rob Patterson