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A Check-In With Outdoor Consumers

Mar 8, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino

The outdoor industry sped up when life slowed down in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The sector, which gained momentum due to the initial pandemic shutdowns and social distancing mandates, has demonstrated its ability to sustain that growth in the last several years. 2022 won’t be any different. So, it’s time for a check-in with outdoor industry consumers. 

All About 2022 Outdoor Consumers 

81% of consumers surveyed by Deloitte revealed that they’ve engaged in an outdoor activity within the last 12 months. The most popular outdoor activities include hiking (39%), running (33%), and cycling tours (27%). In addition to this, recent surveys reveal that outdoor consumers tend to be younger, have high levels of education, and gender distribution is equal. 

Outdoor consumers aren’t just enjoying the outdoors; they’re also investing in products that impact their ability to enjoy these activities. This is demonstrated by the fact that most outdoor consumers have made a related purchase in recent months. For example, 55% indicate that they have purchased an outdoor item within the last year. Are you wondering where outdoor consumers buy these goods? 66% head to brick-and-mortar stores, while 34% click add-to-cart with an online purchase. The top three purchases that outdoor consumers have made in the last 12 months include apparel (38%), shoes (37%), and equipment (12%). 

What Are Outdoor Consumers Looking For in 2022? 

In 2022, outdoor consumers will be looking for products that will enhance their outdoor experiences. The result? A boom in gear is necessary to make that happen. As demonstrated in the Deloitte survey, consumers seek apparel, shoes, and equipment that will simplify their outdoor experiences. Brands should leverage this customer enthusiasm while marketing consumers products that they both need and want. 

In addition to this, versatile gear with many uses is increasingly buzzy. For instance, backpacks and jackets built for exploring the outdoors but stylish enough to wear in other settings are expected to maintain their popularity this year. And since consumers are looking to purchase both in-store and online, ensure that customer experience is cohesive and positive no matter which touchpoints your customers reach. 

Sustainability is also increasingly valuable to outdoor consumers. An emphasis on sustainability is not just an outdoor product trend; 55% of global consumers are more likely to purchase packaged food goods if they have a sustainability label. An even higher percentage of outdoor consumers (87%) indicate that they consider sustainability when purchasing a product. Over half of outdoor consumers (57%) even say they’re willing to pay premium rates for sustainable goods.

Because outdoor activities are experiencing a boom, there is a tremendous opportunity for brands to harness outdoor consumers' enthusiasm. By ensuring a positive customer experience and taking into account changing consumer behaviors, companies will guarantee that they have the best practices to garner outdoor consumers' attention. 

Our experiential marketing agency can help your outdoor company to the next level. Reach out to Inspira Marketing Group to learn more! 


Outdoor Consumer Report 2021 Deloitte & OutDoor by ISPO | Deloitte  

The Top Travel and Outdoor Gear Trends of 2022 | TravelSavvy 

Sustainability label claims are influencing more consumers, Cargill survey finds | Food Dive

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