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Infographic: The Empathy Equation

Jan 25, 2022 10:49:19 PM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino

Today’s consumers value empathy in a big way—and they expect brands to demonstrate it. In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, American consumers are re-evaluating their connection to the world around them, and brands are no exception. In fact, the majority of U.S. consumers state that the way that brands respond to the pandemic will influence their future engagement with the company.


The Importance Of Empathy

Today’s consumers regard empathy as non-negotiable. 

94% of Americans believe that empathy is important to our society

Almost four in five people (79%) state that it has become more crucial due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Before the pandemic, 43% of Americans would describe the country as being empathetic. 

During the pandemic that number increased to 50%. 

A May 2020 study revealed that 86% of people believe that if brands are looking to create a greater sense of loyalty, they will have to demonstrate more empathy. 

Two in three consumers state that the way brands respond to the Covid-19 pandemic will impact their future interactions with the company.

How Can Brands Demonstrate Empathy To Consumers?

Showing consumers you care has never been more important. Here’s how consumers want brands to demonstrate empathy. 

The top five ways that a brand can convey its empathy to consumers:

52% - Treating consumers with respect

50% - Treating consumers like human beings 

43% - Listening to consumers 

41% - Caring about consumers 

37% - Acknowledging and taking responsibility when the brand did something wrong

Empathy For A Brand’s Employees And Community 

Consumers also believe it’s important that brands demonstrate how they are being empathetic to their employees. 

Here are the ways Americans think that brands can genuinely show empathy: 

93% - Providing employees with salary and sick leave support 

91% - Manufacturing critical resources 

91% - Assisting local businesses that are experiencing difficulty due to the present situation 

90% - Being transparent about how companies are keeping their employees safe 

90% - Giving back to people in need 

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