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Infographic: What to Expect for the Holidays

Sep 22, 2020 3:54:49 PM / by Rob Patterson

Like everything else in 2020, the holidays are going to look a lot different than usual due to the nature of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether it's changing the travel itinerary, shifting amounts of expenditures, or choosing different channels, consumers are adjusting their plans accordingly. To find out what consumers have to say with regard to their pivoting plans, read along below.


What to Expect for the Holidays

Here are four things you need to know about consumers' plans for the upcoming holiday season:


Consumers Pivoting on Plans

Sixty-seven percent of consumers say they anticipate celebrating somewhat or very differently. How will those plans shift?

  • 65% only gathering with immediate family/household
  • 49% smaller group gatherings
  • 35% won’t be traveling at all
  • 30% sending more cards/gifts to those I can’t see in person
  • 28% won’t be gathering in-person with elderly friends/relatives
  • 18% celebrating virtually instead of in-person


Expectations for Spending

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many consumers won’t be able to spend as they normally do for the upcoming holidays. 

  • Spending More: 12%
  • Spending the Same: 57%
  • Spending Less: 32%

Reasons for Spending More:

  • 37% want to splurge/indulge more this year
  • 36% saved more money during the pandemic
  • 26% expecting better holiday deals and sales

Reasons for Spending Less:

  • 66% celebrating on a smaller scale
  • 39% want to be more conscious of amount I spend
  • 29% avoiding in-store shopping


Distribution of Expenditures

Last year, online orders earned a greater share of consumer spending, and the nature of 2020 ensures that trend will continue. Here’s how digital expenditures were distributed in 2019.

  • Pre Cyber Week (11.9.19-11.25): 12.3%
  • Cyber Week (11.26-12.2): 38.5%
  • Post Cyber Week (12.3-12.9): 16.2%
  • Mid-Season (12.10-12.16): 17.0%
  • Final Rush(12.17-12.26): 16.0%


Shifts in Shopping

Seventy-seven percent of consumers expect their shopping habits to change for the upcoming holidays. What behaviors will manifest?

  • 60% fewer trips to the store overall
  • 57% primarily shopping online and having it delivered
  • 53% avoiding heavy shopping times and large in-store crowds
  • 38% purchasing different amounts/types of supplies
  • 33% primarily buying online and picking up at the store
  • 20% shopping at stores closer to home

Did you know? Fifty-four percent of consumers plan to do all or most of their holiday shopping online this year, a sharp increase from 22% last year.

Topics: Insights, Infographics

Rob Patterson

Written by Rob Patterson