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Madison Zoey Vettorino

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Inspira Marketing Celebrates 10 Years On Event Marketer’s Top 100 “It List”

Sep 29, 2021 10:04:07 AM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino posted in Awards


Each year, Event Marketer’s “It List” highlights the top 100 event marketing agencies across the globe. We’re proud to announce that Inspira has been named to the “It List” for the tenth time in 2021. 

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What Brands Should Know About Holiday Shopping In 2021

Sep 22, 2021 2:22:52 PM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino


Holiday shopping in 2020 looked different from years past, and in 2021, brands should prepare for new trends to emerge. Due to supply chain shortages and increased shipping times, many customers are beginning their holiday shopping earlier than usual. As a result, an estimated half of U.S. consumers plan to complete their 2021 holiday shopping before Cyber Monday (Nov. 29) arrives.

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Local Events Are Gaining Momentum. Here’s Why.

Sep 15, 2021 2:53:02 PM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino posted in Insights, Experiential


As far as brand activations are concerned, bigger is not necessarily better. Smaller, local events are gaining momentum—and harnessing the power of local events could prove beneficial to your brand. 

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The Digital Transformation of the CPG Industry

Sep 8, 2021 2:17:49 PM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino posted in CPG


The Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry’s digital transformation has arrived, and it’s determined to redefine the customer journey and experience. Properly harnessing the power of digital can help a brand successfully drive impact. 

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Why Hybrid Events Are The Way Of The Future, And How To Create A Successful One

Aug 31, 2021 4:17:33 PM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino posted in Insights


In the last year and a half, the COVID-19 pandemic has infiltrated nearly every facet of life. Events were no outlier. In the United States, when the initial outbreak occurred in March/April 2020, a significant portion of the country went into quarantine or began sheltering in place. This resulted in shuttered businesses, events postponed for the foreseeable future, and social distancing measures. 

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Employee Spotlight: Philip Fortunato

Aug 30, 2021 10:19:35 AM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino posted in Employee Spotlights


Philip Fortunato recently joined the Inspira team as Content and Trade Facilitating Manager. Get to know the latest addition to the team in this edition of the Employee Spotlight!

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How Brands Can Utilize Audio on Social, And Why It’s Important They Do

Aug 25, 2021 12:03:06 PM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino posted in Insights, Social Media


What pops up when you refresh your Instagram feed? Scrolling through the app used to consist of looking at static images and reading the caption underneath.  There was no need to have your volume on. Now, marketers have to work harder to capture their consumers’ attention.

Content has shifted from static images to animated graphics and video, often accompanied by audio.  The shift towards audio/video on Instagram was even cemented by Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri. In June 2021, Mosseri announced that Instagram “is no longer a photo sharing app.”  While Instagram once appealed to just one sense--sight--it now appeals to two. 

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Employee Spotlight: Maureen Deacy

Aug 23, 2021 9:58:37 AM / by Madison Zoey Vettorino posted in Employee Spotlights


Maureen Deacy recently joined the Inspira team as Talent Acquisition Manager. Get to know the latest addition to the team in this edition of the Employee Spotlight!

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