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3 Ways Brands are Reinventing the Auto-Buying Experience

May 20, 2019 12:36:34 PM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights, Automotive


From connected phone applications and Apple CarPlay to 360º cameras, the automotive industry has seen some amazing technological advancements in recent years. Yet, despite all of the innovation happening to the cars themselves, the auto-buying experience has remained largely the same. While brands in other sectors have made great strides to offer fast, seamless purchase experiences, buying a car can be a fractured experience from the online discovery phase to in-person at the dealership.

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4 Trends Shaping the Future of Food

May 20, 2019 12:36:21 PM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights, CPG


As technological advances continue to reshape the world we live in, industries from automotive to financial services are undergoing great change. For the food and beverage industry, it’s no different. Whether it’s the chemical composition of the food that we eat, who is selling it, or where it’s being sold, brands must adapt their offerings to fit the need of the modern consumer. Here, we take a look at four trends that are shaping the future of the food industry.

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Should Your Brand Make an Investment in eSports?

Jan 29, 2019 8:37:37 AM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights, Sports & Entertainment


Though the business of eSports is still in its fledgling years, it has become increasingly clear that it’s here to stay. How do we know this? According to research from Simmons, total revenue is expected to surpass the $1 billion threshold in 2019, with nearly 60% of that money coming from sponsorship and advertising.

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4 Key Ingredients for the Future of Retail

Dec 6, 2018 8:36:48 AM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights


This has been a pivotal year for retail. It’s out with the old and in with the new, and there’s an interesting story emerging with what’s new. Retailers have learned that consumers aren’t simply interested in shopping, which they can easily do from the comfort of their homes. Rather, they want retailers to offer a seamless omnichannel experience at all touchpoints and immersive brand experience when they are in-store.

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Infographic: Mind Your Food: A Look at the Evolving Tastes of Consumers

Dec 4, 2018 9:27:20 AM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights, Infographics


Food trends come and go, but as tastes change, so do the needs of consumers. The shift to a wellness-focused lifestyle has resulted in a more mindful approach to food. Consumers are re-prioritizing how and what they eat and the need for reassurance about the safety of food has led to an increased demand for ethically and environmentally sourced products. As consumers seek out healthier food and beverages, brands will have to consider how they position their products and understand what claims are most important to consumers.

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How Experiential Marketing Can Jumpstart Your Auto Marketing Strategy

Nov 14, 2018 10:09:47 AM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights, Automotive


In the U.S. market alone, there are 412 distinct car models, speaking to the immense amount of choice available to car-buying consumers. And, with the average adult consumer purchasing a car every six to seven years, this makes it all the more imperative for brands to capitalize on those precious few moments.

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Why Music Sponsorships Are Music to Marketers' Ears

Oct 18, 2018 5:06:00 PM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights, Sports & Entertainment


In an era of change and constantly fluctuating expectations, it can be a challenge for brands to remain relevant. Generations grow older, demographics and preferences blur, and media consumption changes, forcing marketers to adapt their tactics to authentically tap into those audiences. That’s why identifying opportunities to build affinity and relevance through experience, as well as alignment with like-minded brands, is critical.

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Four Ways Marketers Can Win Generation Z

Oct 5, 2018 7:28:48 AM / by Ann D'Adamo posted in Insights


Although Millennials will always be a valuable target for marketers, a new and equally powerful generation of consumers is emerging: Generation Z. Born between 1996 and 2010, this cohort is often referred to as the iGeneration. They have never known the world without the internet, mobile technology, or opinion-influencing peers. They are unapologetically themselves, endeavor to stand out rather than fit in, and are much more sophisticated in their relationships with brands.

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Retail Isn't Dead, It's Coming Alive

Sep 13, 2018 4:56:00 PM / by Ann D'Adamo posted in Insights, Experiential


We’ve all heard about the death of retail. Malls have turned into ghost-towns as iconic department stores are slowly withering away. This year alone, almost 4,500 U.S. store closures have been announced, while only about half that have opened. Analysts attribute retail’s downfall to a number of factors: the effects of the Great Recession, technology (mobile and the rise in e-commerce), increased competition from Amazon, and a shift in consumer spending habits - primarily, investing in experiences over goods.

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10 Things Brands Need to Know About Gamers

Sep 10, 2018 8:58:38 AM / by Ann D'Adamo posted in Insights, Sports & Entertainment


Gaming is growing! In 2013, 58% of U.S. population ages 13+ were into gaming. Today, 66% percent say they regularly play video games. And, by 2020, the global video game market is expected to be worth over $90 billion. Gaming has become an integral part of the mainstream entertainment diet. In fact, 11% of gamers' leisure time is spent playing video games or engaging in eSports. Interestingly, time spent on in-person social activities continues to capture more share among gamers, pointing to a potential opportunity for content creators to further engage gamers through social or group play experiences.

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