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Rob Patterson

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4 Top Takeaways from CES 2019

May 20, 2019 12:37:46 PM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights


Each year, hundreds of thousands of tech-lovers and tech brands from around the world descend upon Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). The annual event is a global stage on which next-generation consumer technologies are introduced to the marketplace. While some of these innovations are as simple as a voice-powered alarm clock for your bedroom, others are audacious, boundary-pushing technologies that could very well change the way the world works. With that, let’s take a look at some of the most innovative products that were introduced this year and evaluate what they mean for us going forward.

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3 Things Hotels Should Check Out Before Guests Check In

May 20, 2019 12:37:28 PM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights, Travel & Hospitality


In the ten years since the United States emerged from the economic recession, the travel industry has experienced a prolonged period of growth. Want proof? Look no further than U.S. hotel bookings, which experienced a six percent compound annual growth rate between 2009 and 2017. This growth, however, was not limited to traditional hotels, as boutique options, as well as disruptors like Airbnb and its copycats, have entered the fray.

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4 Content Strategies Every Experiential Campaign Needs

May 20, 2019 12:37:09 PM / by Rob Patterson


Face it: Ads are boring. Instead, consumers crave immersive brand experiences, and brands that provide these experiences earn lasting love and loyalty from their audiences. This isn't about showing off a product -- it’s about establishing two-way emotional connections that tie the brand to the lifestyle of its audience.

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3 Things to Know When Marketing to Moms

May 20, 2019 12:37:00 PM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights


As marketers, we have a problem on our hands. Mothers make up one of the largest consumer groups out there, yet fewer than half of them feel understood by marketers. What gives? Despite how important moms are to brands – especially those brands in the CPG category – many marketers have failed to adapt their approach to this constantly evolving demographic.

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3 Ways to Take Your Brand from Dying to Disruptor

May 20, 2019 12:36:46 PM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights


Today’s businesses are under the constant threat of competition. Thanks to rapid advances in technology and continually evolving consumer behavior, brands know that they must continue to adapt their products and services in order to avoid disruption.

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3 Ways Brands are Reinventing the Auto-Buying Experience

May 20, 2019 12:36:34 PM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights, Automotive


From connected phone applications and Apple CarPlay to 360º cameras, the automotive industry has seen some amazing technological advancements in recent years. Yet, despite all of the innovation happening to the cars themselves, the auto-buying experience has remained largely the same. While brands in other sectors have made great strides to offer fast, seamless purchase experiences, buying a car can be a fractured experience from the online discovery phase to in-person at the dealership.

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4 Trends Shaping the Future of Food

May 20, 2019 12:36:21 PM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights, CPG


As technological advances continue to reshape the world we live in, industries from automotive to financial services are undergoing great change. For the food and beverage industry, it’s no different. Whether it’s the chemical composition of the food that we eat, who is selling it, or where it’s being sold, brands must adapt their offerings to fit the need of the modern consumer. Here, we take a look at four trends that are shaping the future of the food industry.

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3 Trends Shaping the Future of Beauty

May 20, 2019 12:36:04 PM / by Rob Patterson posted in Beauty


Whether it’s in the world of food, automotive, or anything in between, advancements in technology have made it such that most businesses are constantly adapting to changing consumer demands. Yet, few categories move as quickly as beauty, where trends come quickly and often recede into the background at a moment’s notice.

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Maximize Results by Combining Experiential and Influencer Marketing

May 16, 2019 9:23:29 AM / by Rob Patterson posted in Experiential


Having trouble growing your brand? Combining experiential and influencer marketing strategies might just be what your campaign is missing. Marketers have long segmented events and social, allotting each a distinct budget and entrusting the roles to different teams. But they are even more powerful when combined.

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Infographic: The Power of User-Generated Content

May 14, 2019 1:57:16 PM / by Rob Patterson posted in Infographics, Social Media


The ways in which we create, consume, and share content are ever-changing, which means that brands must constantly adapt their approach in order to create the most meaningful connections with consumers. Here, we take a look at the rise of user-generated content and the impact that it provides for those who leverage it best.

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