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Rob Patterson

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7 Things You Need to Know About Summer Drink Trends

Jun 20, 2019 10:31:24 AM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights, Beverage


Recent years have brought us constant innovation in the adult beverage category, offering consumers with a litany of options to choose from outside of the tried-and-true favorites. While that’s great news for those of us looking to test out tasty, new beverages, it presents an issue for brands: how do you stand out in a sea of clutter?

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Infographic: What We Know About Cannabis Consumers

Jun 18, 2019 11:29:24 AM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights, Infographics


As more states move to legalize medicinal and recreational marijuana, consumer attitudes continue to evolve. In fact, 56% of Americans indicate that they’re in favor of legalization, while 16% admit to being cannabis consumers themselves. Of those who consume, we’re seeing increasing diversity; men, women, young, and old are all turning to cannabis as a means to reduce stress, ease aches and pains, and even diminish use of other substances like alcohol and tobacco. Here, we take a look at today’s cannabis consumer to understand who they are and what makes them tick.

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How Consumers are Gearing Up for Father's Day 2019

Jun 13, 2019 12:55:44 PM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights


With Father’s Day around the corner, consumers across the country are doing their last-minute shopping for the dads, grandfathers, husbands, and sons in their lives. This year, U.S. spending on the holiday is projected to reach an all-time high total of $16 billion, which represents a 4.6% increase from last year’s $15.3 billion and a 70% increase from just a decade ago.

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Infographic: Millennials are Changing the World of Pet Parenting

Jun 11, 2019 11:54:22 AM / by Rob Patterson posted in Infographics


Americans have always held a special place in their hearts for pets, and this continues to hold true today. However, today's pet-owners seem to be even more obsessed with their furry friends than ever before, as evidenced by continuously increasing expenditures within the category. The impetus for this growth? Look no further than Millennials. Here, we take a look a the growth of the pet industry and show how Millennials are leaving their (paw) print on the category.

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3 Lifestyle Trends that Brands Should Take Note of in 2019

Jun 6, 2019 10:27:53 AM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights


Today’s consumers wield more purchasing power than ever, which means that growth is there for the taking for the most opportunistic of brands. However, consumers’ tastes are constantly evolving based on the world around them, which makes it all the more important for us, as marketers, to maintain a pulse on what matters most to them.

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4 Signs Your Experiential Marketing Lacks Purpose

Jun 4, 2019 6:27:35 AM / by Rob Patterson posted in Experiential


Experiential marketing is on the rise. More and more brands are looking to drive sales by creating truly memorable experiences for consumers. But simply following a trend doesn't guarantee success -- your brand has to have purpose.

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Infographic: No- and Low-Alcohol Beverages are Here to Stay

May 29, 2019 11:29:17 AM / by Rob Patterson posted in Infographics, Beverage


As consumers seek out ways to live a more healthy and balanced life, many have taken to ordering and creating their own no- and low-alcohol beverages. Though these beverages carry less alcohol content -- and, in many cases, none at all -- they make up for it with nuanced flavors and craftsmanship that is commensurate with that of traditional cocktails. In order to understand just how quickly this trend is growing, let's take a look at what consumers and trade professionals in both the U.K. and U.S. had to say about the future of non-alcoholic beverages.

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Infographic: Fresh Trends in the Bakery Business

May 23, 2019 9:57:44 AM / by Rob Patterson posted in Infographics, CPG


In recent years, consumers have become considerably more conscious about the food they purchase. Concerns ranging from the way food is produced to the ingredients that each product contains have shaped our tastes and, in turn, the products we see on the shelves. Though attitudes vary among consumers, the bread and bakery sector has persisted. However, even dietary staples like bread are subject to changing tastes. Here, we take a look at consumer attitudes, preferences, and concerns when it comes to their baked goods.

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4 Factors Shaping the State of Social Media

May 20, 2019 1:40:48 PM / by Rob Patterson


Given how much time we spend consuming digital media on a daily basis, it has become imperative for brands to stand out from the crowd through online channels. Social media, in particular, has become a big battleground for marketers, with U.S. spending on social advertising expected to exceed $18 billion in 2019 alone.

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5 Tips to Boost Your Influencer Marketing Efforts in 2019

May 20, 2019 12:38:07 PM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights, Social Media


It’s official: influencer marketing has hit the mainstream. According to Social Media Today, influencer marketing is already estimated to be a $1.5 billion industry, with 84% of brands reporting that they plan to increase those expenditures in 2019. What used to be a murky field of marketing has now developed quite a bit of process, and marketers have gone from wondering what influencer marketing is to wondering how to optimize their efforts.

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