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Rob Patterson

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Infographic: How Human Is Your Brand?

Dec 18, 2018 7:28:38 AM / by Rob Patterson posted in Infographics


From social to chatbots, digital communication has opened the door for more immediate engagement between consumers and brands. Consumers expect those conversations to be personalized and authentic at every touchpoint; and a brand’s performance during those interactions has a huge impact on customer relationships. Researchers found that those brands that communicate with them, rather than at them, build long-lasting emotional connections with consumers. Here, we look at the human characteristics consumers look for in brands and how consumer experience can impact business outcomes.

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Smirnoff's Middle Seater Campaign Comes to the Rescue for Holiday Travelers

Dec 13, 2018 8:01:48 AM / by Rob Patterson posted in Beverage


As we all know, the holiday season can be downright chaotic, with travel being one of the leading sources of stress for millions of Americans. So, in order to fulfill their commitment to bringing fun to not-so-fun situations, our friends at Smirnoff have stepped in with the Middle Seater campaign.

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Infographic: The Social Shift

Dec 10, 2018 9:04:13 AM / by Rob Patterson posted in Infographics, Social Media


This may come as a surprise, but social media is no longer purely “social.” Researchers found that activities are increasingly centered around content, news, entertainment, and brand discovery rather than friends and family connections. Here, we learn how and why the shift is occurring.

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4 Key Ingredients for the Future of Retail

Dec 6, 2018 8:36:48 AM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights


This has been a pivotal year for retail. It’s out with the old and in with the new, and there’s an interesting story emerging with what’s new. Retailers have learned that consumers aren’t simply interested in shopping, which they can easily do from the comfort of their homes. Rather, they want retailers to offer a seamless omnichannel experience at all touchpoints and immersive brand experience when they are in-store.

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Infographic: Mind Your Food: A Look at the Evolving Tastes of Consumers

Dec 4, 2018 9:27:20 AM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights, Infographics


Food trends come and go, but as tastes change, so do the needs of consumers. The shift to a wellness-focused lifestyle has resulted in a more mindful approach to food. Consumers are re-prioritizing how and what they eat and the need for reassurance about the safety of food has led to an increased demand for ethically and environmentally sourced products. As consumers seek out healthier food and beverages, brands will have to consider how they position their products and understand what claims are most important to consumers.

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Infographic: Should Your Brand Take A Stand?

Nov 27, 2018 5:18:00 PM / by Rob Patterson posted in Infographics


A growing body of evidence reveals that consumer purchase decisions are linked to corporate values. Researchers found that 87% of consumers say they would purchase a product because a company advocated for an issue they care about, and more than three quarters would refuse to purchase a product if they found it supported an issue that was contrary to their beliefs. As brands are increasingly expected to take a position on social or political issues, they must be careful to choose positions and causes that authentically align with their practices, or risk being perceived as inauthentic.

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How Experiential Marketing Can Jumpstart Your Auto Marketing Strategy

Nov 14, 2018 10:09:47 AM / by Rob Patterson posted in Insights, Automotive


In the U.S. market alone, there are 412 distinct car models, speaking to the immense amount of choice available to car-buying consumers. And, with the average adult consumer purchasing a car every six to seven years, this makes it all the more imperative for brands to capitalize on those precious few moments.

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Jeff Snyder Tells Marketing Insider How Experiential Marketing Fuels User-Generated Content

Nov 8, 2018 5:13:00 PM / by Rob Patterson posted in Experiential


Yesterday, our founder and CEO, Jeff Snyder, was published in The Marketing Insider. In this piece, "Your Branding Secret Weapon: User-Generated Content,” Jeff shares his expertise and a number of tips for brands to employ to get consumers talking — and posting — on their behalf.

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Infographic: Experiences Enhance the Holidays

Nov 6, 2018 8:44:49 AM / by Rob Patterson


The holidays can be stressful for everyone. But for moms, holiday shopping and entertaining can add to an already hectic schedule. Although they may be busy, new research into how moms feel about the season and the many ways they celebrate finds that most moms do believe it’s the most wonderful time of the year. Experiential marketing strategies can show busy moms exciting ways to entertain, introduce holiday-themed products, or make shopping fun through experiential pop-up boutiques.

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Infographic: Is Your Brand Ready for Generation Z?

Oct 29, 2018 5:09:00 PM / by Rob Patterson posted in Infographics


Generation Z isn’t your typical generation of teens. Instead of following trends, they set them; they’re media savvy, sophisticated, and acutely attuned to marketing hype. To win GenZ, brands must be clear about what they stand for, build trust, and provide opportunities for engagement and co-creation. Here, we look at who they are, their social media preferences, and how brands can connect with these 80 million consumers who influence nearly $4 billion in discretionary spending.

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